Monday 27 February 2006

Living with the sheep

No, I'm not really living with the sheep but I have been spending a lot of time out in the barn. My wife and daughter come down with the flu around the middle of last week and my two sons have it now. So far I've been spared and I hope to keep it that way.

Pictured here is Bunny, one of our (almost) three year old ewes - three winter ewes as the Icelanders would say. She is our only ewe that will let me pet her. In fact, she's rather like a dog in that she comes up and nuzzles and pushes her head under my hand when I go to the barn or pasture. The kids named her bunny because when she was a lamb she hopped around the pasture.

I took this photo today. It's been "spittin' snow" on and off here all day. The ground is mostly white now.

weather yesterday: 14°F/27°F partly sunny
weather today: 13°F/33°F snow flurries

tags: sheep, iceland, flu, pasture, snow

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