Wednesday 22 February 2006

Healthy Sheep Naturally

Last week I wrote that some of our sheep had begun shedding their fleeces. Here is a photo of our ram, Joash. You can see his fleece peeling back around his neck. I don't plan to shear until the first Saturday in March so I'll be pulling off some of this loose fleece by hand.

I also wrote last week about our mineral supplementation and mentioned Pat Coleby, the Austalian expert on natural animal care. Acres USA has published several of her books in the U.S. including Natural Horse Care, Natural Goat Care, and Natural Cattle Care.

Unfortunately, the book I wanted the most, Healthy Sheep Naturally hasn't been published in the U.S. I found a used copy on Amazon but the price was awfully high so I ordered two copies from a bookseller in Australia. They were supposedly backordered until June but I received an email shipment confirmation earlier this week.

I will be writing more about this book after it arrives.

Weather yesterday: 19°F/38°F sunny
Weather today: 17°F/47°F cloudy

tags: sheep, fleece, ram, mineral, Coleby, natural, healthy

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