Wednesday 15 February 2006

Late Winter In Ohio

Late winter, aka mud season, has arrived in Ohio. It was in the 40s overnight and up to 55 here today so most of our snow is gone. Here at Liberty Farm, though, we don't despair over mud season. We just do our best to keep our animals out of it and realize that the next thaw will bring Sugarin' Time!

Yes, that peculiar cycle of freezing and thawing that triggers the flow of maple sap in New England, NE Canada and parts of Ohio, Michigan and Indiana is soon to begin here in the southernmost part of that region. And that's something to be glad about - mud or no mud! Hopefully we'll get started making syrup sometime in the next week or so and I'll have some good pics to share.

Also coming up - sheep shearing. I 'd be too embarassed to post a picture of me shearing. (Let's just say I have my own style). We'll be sure to get some before and after photos, though. Our rams and one ewe have already started shedding. Historically, Icelandic sheep were rooed (plucked) in the spring rather than shorn but today most people shear spring and autumn.

Weather today: 41°F/55°F mostly cloudy

tags: mud, snow, maple, sugar, syrup, sheep, shear, Icelandic

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