Sunday 12 February 2006

Visit from the neighbor

The pony in the photo belongs to our neighbor. He is 19 years old and an old hand at escaping his pasture. Fortunately, he is calm and tame and never goes far. This week he wandered down the driveway and some of our sheep went over to the fence to visit.

Today I added guard rails to the sides of our one hay feeder that didn't already have them. Our yearling ram, Luther, figured out he could jump in the feeder and be "king of the hill." Unfortunately, he was soiling the hay so I put up the guards to keep him out. These hay feeders that I've built will be the topic of my next post here unless something interesting happens between now and then.

Weather today: 13°F/27°F alternating sun and snow flurries

tags: pasture, pony, sheep

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