Thursday 9 March 2006

ODA Gestapo, Gardening and Etc.

Two blogs I like to read, Boulder Belt Farm and Favorite Apron, recently had posts about Ohio dairy farmers being terrorized and entrapped by the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Some of these situations involve farmers who have sold cow/herd shares. Under these arrangements, farmers sell a share of an individual cow or herd to a family who then receives milk from the share of the cow(s) they own. The farmer charges a fee for boarding and taking care of the cow(s). The ODA is now telling the citizens of Ohio that we can't drink raw milk from cows that we own! Yes, these are the same SOBs who are going to be administering the National Animal ID System if it is implemented. Have a look at for more info.

We'll be starting lots of garden seeds this weekend. Some things could have been started already for early planting with some protection but in general we're on schedule except the onion seeds should definitely have been started already. I think we'll be OK, though. Something new we're trying this year is celery. I love celery - raw and in soups. Supposedly, it's difficult to grow but I recall reading an article in Countryside years ago about growing it. Accompanying the article was a photo of a wheelbarrow load of harvested celery.

When we sheared the sheep last Saturday we moved the two rams to another barn. In hindsight, we should have done this sooner. I've noticed that the ewes are calmer and they've been eating more minerals. We're trying to keep them as calm and happy as possible for the last month of gestation and feeding Birth-Ease herbal supplement.

I received my copies of Healthy Sheep Naturally all the way from NSW, Australia. Because the difference in cost was minimal between shipping one book or two, I decided to order two and have offered one of them for sale here.

weather Wednesday: 24°F/42°F
weather today: 42°F/59°F rain

tags: Ohio, agriculture, ODA, gestapo, milk, garden, seeds, celery, sheep, ewe, ram, healthy sheep naturally

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