Sunday 5 March 2006

Following Up

Yesterday, I posted a photo of our ram, Luther, just after he was shorn. Here is the best photo of him I could find in full fleece. He must be kinda camera shy because I looked through all the photos I have of the flock and he's always standing behind another sheep. Icelandics are dual-coated. The outer coat is called the tog and the inner coat is called the thel.

On Thursday, I posted something about H.R. 4167, the National Uniformity for Food Act. The House of Representatives did not act on the legislation but left it as unfinished business. With 226 co-sponsors it seems almost sure to pass but there still may be time to call your representative.

Here is a photo of my three year-old son, Nick, and I post-shearing. My seven year-old daughter, Katie, took the picture.

weather today: 13°F/42°F overcast

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