Sunday 13 March 2011

August 25, 2009

I got sidetracked this past weekend by a broken drain from the kitchen sink that was pouring out of the crawlspace into the cellar and producing wetness and unpleasant smells. Since we bought the house, it has been a mystery to me where the kitchen drain went to. Every other drain in the house goes directly into the sewer pipe in the cellar which goes out to the septic tank. The kitchen drain went out of the sink and straight down into the ground under the crawlspace. I had to cut the pipe and run a new line across the crawlspace into the main cellar. It was a pretty quick and easy job once I had a plan in place and bought the material. Very little farm work got done, though. I had a farmer's cheese started but with this distraction it ended up as cottage cheese. Not a total loss.

I'll be calling the butcher this week to set up an appointment for lambs for the end of September. I talked to the owner's son last week and he said they've recently slowed down a bit which was good because he was bringing in animals faster than his mom and dad could get the meat cut and wrapped.

Hopefully, we'll get a new driveway put in this week. This is the first step to converting our old greenhouse into a garage. Step two is renting a dumpster to clean it out and remove the old plastic, etc. Then we have to get the hole in for the overhead door and pour concrete, new siding, doors, etc. We hope to have it completed before winter weather comes.

After years of wanting one, we finally decided to buy a front loader for our tractor. I can't wait to get it. It will be a huge time saver and Sugar's stall can finally be dug out and a good base put down so it stays drier.

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