Sunday 13 March 2011


...we have winter. The ground is snow covered and our overnight low was -7 yesterday and -6 today. It's been windy too with wind chills in the -25 range. All the local schools are called off on account of that.

Some of our family on my side and Jennifer's have had a rough time of it - cold houses and frozen water pipes. We had frozen pipes at our shop yesterday and popped a joint. When the line thawed, water was spraying out in the wall. It wasn't the easiest fix but we got it with no problem.

The animals are all taking it well. In fact, I think our Icelandic sheep are enjoying this little taste of their ancestral home. Chickens are fine and still laying. The biggest problem we have with them is boredom. They don't like to go outside when it's like this so they stay inside and soil their nests and sometimes break eggs. I try to give them extra hay and straw to give them something to scratch in.

Hope you all are well.

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