Saturday 27 June 2009

June 27, 2009

Taffy was born a little before 2:00 on Thursday past. She will be going back to Jennifer's uncle to be eventually bred. We'll be buying a bull calf ASAP to let Sugar raise for our own beef and to help consume the milk supply.

We milked for the first time on Friday morning. We were going to hand milk but decided it would be best to get Sugar used to the sound of the vacuum pump and the feel of the machine from the start. We only took about a gallon and it was a chore! Friday evening we were going to milk a bit more to relieve the pressure but it didn't work out. I had the bright idea to tie the calf with a rope halter near Sugar's head. The calf fell back and Sugar jerked her neck and pulled a fence staple out the wall that she was chained to. Oops!

This morning milking went much better. We took about 3 gallons, stopping when the flow slowed down but leaving some to try to avoid encouraging milk fever. We did two things better this time. Firstly, we led Sugar out of her stall onto the concrete floor. This way we avoided getting cow poop from the bedding all over ourselves and the milk bucket. Secondly, we left the calf in the stall out of sight so Sugar could concentrate on her grain. Her udder is still swollen huge but it's not so hard and tight.

Friday, I had a few flakes in the strip cup which can be an early indicator of mastitis. I didn't use the cup today but will tomorrow and find out which quarter the flakes, if any, are in. Mastitis is serious business and needs to be treated sooner rather than later if she has it.

We probably won't milk tonight but will start tomorrow, twice a day, in earnest. The colostrum should clear up soon and we'll have good milk! Also, tomorrow afternoon will mark 72 hours since freshening and the threat of milk fever will have largely passed.

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