Thursday 11 June 2009

June 11, 2009

I'm trying to write something here every few days if for no other reason than to stay in the habit. The truth is, though, not a whole lot goes on here during the week. Jennifer may disagree with me on that given that she spent the day weeding in the garden yesterday. You're the best, babe! Monday through Thursday I leave home at 4:50 am and get back at 5:10 pm so I don't feel like doing much most evenings.

Sugar still hasn't had her calf. It would be really convenient for us if she had it on Thursday afternoon so we would have the weekend to work on milking, calf care, etc. Of course this means she'll probably freshen on Sunday night.

The pullets that we got on May 23 are slowly beginning to lay. We get 3-4 pullet eggs a day. I full expect 12-15 eggs a day once they reach full production. I've got a waiting list of people who want eggs and regular customers calling every week so I hope they get on the stick.

I finally had to cancel my/our Milwaukee trip for next week. It's the annual retreat of the Society of Saint Polycarp and I'm pretty upset about missing it. Life happens, I guess.

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