Monday 1 June 2009

June 1, 2009

Wow, June 1st. Where has the spring gone? I can't believe I don't have the ewes sheared yet but oddly enough I'm not stressing over it. Maybe I'm mellowing with age, like good red wine. Yep, that must be it.

I was observing Sugar pretty closely tonight while mowing and I wouldn't be surprised if she goes another week based solely on her udder development. Now that I've said that, she'll probably go tonight, lol. We're supposed to go to Milwaukee in a couple weeks for 5 days and it's starting to look less and less likely we'll be able to go. I was hoping to have two 4-week old calves nursing before we went. That ain't gonna happen.

We've had our pullets for 9 days now one of them finally laid an egg in the nest box today. We've been getting an egg or two every day, laid on the floor by the water fount. Jennifer marked a couple eggs and put them in the nest box as a training aid and it seems to have worked. We bought a 6-hole roll-out nest box last year because we were tired of poop-covered eggs. It'll be a bummer if the dummies don't use it.

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