Thursday 21 May 2009

May 21, 2009

Sugar is here.

She looks thinner than she did on Monday but I think the calf is lower than it was which is stretching the skin. I found out more about her from Jennifer's uncle. She is 3 1/2 years old and this will be her second calf. She is closed in her stall for the night because she doesn't know the boundaries yet and I would rather she find them in daylight.

What a difference between the way cows and sheep eat. The sheep are very picky about hay and eat all the best leafy parts first. Sugar just mows and if she drops some on the floor she picks it up and eats it. Nice.

We worked on the garden all afternoon manuring and laying down the plastic mulch. I'm off work tomorrow so we'll hit it hard. This is shaping up to be the first year we've had the garden in on time for many years. Knocking on wood...

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