Tuesday 19 May 2009

May 19, 2009

I came home today and put the finishing touches on Sugar's stall (clean straw, good hay, water) in the hope that she will come tomorrow. While in the red barn, I noticed that our ram, Joash, is limping. It may be that the other ram butted him in the shoulder but if it's not better tomorrow, I'll look at his hoof.

I mowed around the garden and put up a short electric net to keep out rabbits. Last year we lost almost all of our peas and lettuce to the little thieves. It just needs a shallow till and will be ready for the bulk of the planting this week(end).

When I came home today, I peeked in the white barn and saw the cat food stealing raccoon in there chowing down. I nearly drew my .38 special snubby but thought the 124 gr. Gold Dot was probably overkill. Instead I came inside and had Jennifer get me her Walther P22 out of the safe. I went back out and performed the latter part of the Mozambique Drill and bye-bye masked marauder. The P22 might not be the ultimate in home defense but loaded with CCI Stingers it's a damn fine barn defense handgun.

I was just standing at the kitchen window and saw that the lamb races have begun. All of the lambs (less the bottle baby who is penned in the barn) were running and jumping and playing along the bank of the creek. It looks like great fun.

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