Wednesday 14 February 2007

Storm Day 2

The above photo was taken before the storm. Jennifer was standing on our front porch.

The photo below was taken by me this morning also standing on our front porch. I zoomed in on the drifts behind the car but you can see that the two fence posts are visible in the backgrounds of both.
I have no idea how much we actually got because the wind blew so hard. Some of the drifts are well over knee deep and in some other places the ground is nearly bare. There is a sliding door on the red barn just around the corner in the lower photo. Behind that door was a drift inside the barn about 10 inches deep. The door was closed but the wind blew so hard out of the northeast that the snow blew in at the edge and underneath the door.

All the animals are fine. The biggest problem is our short-legged miniature Aussie finding a place to answer nature's call. She'll have an easier time of it when I shovel the walks and plow the drive and paths between buildings after lunch today. It's snowing now and the forecast is for another inch or so today.

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