Tuesday 20 February 2007

Animal Age and Flavor II

(This started as an update to the previous post but I decided to make it a new one).

In thinking about this topic some more, I think that artisanal food producers (of which I hope I am one) will likely revolutionize the way some (many?) people eat. Beyond the obvious categories of "grass-fed" and "organic" are many niches that may reawaken cultural eating.

I don't have my copy in front of me but in the preface to The Omnivore's Dilemma, Michael Pollan writes something to the effect that the food culture in America is schizophrenic. This is evidenced by things like the Atkin's Diet that have people giving up time-honored staple foods like bread and pasta.

Slow Food is definitely on to something. I hope the organization continues to grow and flourish.

Finally, in the last issue of the Stockman Grass Farmer there was a report from the grass-fed dairy conference held recently. Jonathan White of Bobolink Dairy reported that people buying his cheese are not looking for consistency - they want to taste the grass.

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