Wednesday 26 April 2006

What's In The Works and Some New Links

We've got a few projects in the works for this week(end) here at Liberty Farm. Our chicks are two weeks old today and have outgrown their brooder box. I'm clearing out a place for them to move to in one of the barns. The tricky part is going to be keeping the cats out. They're great mousers and would probably consider themselves to have died and gone to kitty heaven with 50 chicks to prey on.

The UPS man brought strawberry plants today from Johnny's. I hope to plant them tomorrow evening. This will be the first thing to go into the garden and while I'm at it, I've got some lettuce and brassicas to harden off and will probably plant more lettuce, spinach, beets and carrots. Last night I tranplanted and fertilized celery and tomato seedlings. The celery is doing great. The tomatoes were in 2" soil blocks so I set them down into 4" pots. Our peppers are germinating slowly. After seeing our last electric bill I turned off the heater in the cellar so it hasn't been warm enough for optimal germination.

We've still got three ewes yet to lamb and they all look like they could go at any time.

I put some new links in the right hand column today. GRAIN "is an international non-governmental organisation which promotes the sustainable management and use of agricultural biodiversity based on people's control over genetic resources and local knowledge." ATTRA is the National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service and the 100-Mile Diet is a cool site about two people who went for a year only eating food that was produced within 100 miles of their home in Vancouver, B.C. The site is loaded with good information for anyone who is interested in drastically cutting food miles.

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