Saturday 1 April 2006

Inside Work Day

Today was kind of a misty, gloomy day here at Liberty Farm. I had planned to put up some permanent and temporary pasture subdivision fence but decided to work in the basement on transplanting seedlings and planting seeds instead.

In the past I've never grown a large quantity of seedlings so I've just planted them in small pots, 6-packs or 4-packs depending on what I was growing. This year, since I'm growing a lot more from seed, I decided to go old school and plant into flats and then transplant to save space. After pricking out a bunch of little seedlings today, I have to say that this really sucks. It takes a long time and I think I probably killed over 10% of the plants just due to my own clumsiness. So, after doing this transplanting, I planted my tomato and pepper seeds in 3/4" soil blocks. When they germinate, all I have to do is plunk them into a 2" block made with a 3/4" insert to accept the smaller blocks. I guess the reason I didn't do this from the beginning is that I don't have enough trays to hold all these soil blocks. Will definitely remedy that before next year.

Still no lambs...

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