Friday 5 February 2010

February 5, 2010

Whew! I just looked at the clock and realized we were 25 minutes into the Friday night cocktail hour. So here I type, in the beginning stages of a snow storm, martini safely in hand.

The forecast here is for 6-10 inches of snow with areas near a line from Mt. Gilead to Canton receiving a foot. If you draw a line on map from Mt. Gilead to Canton it would go very near my house. We're comfortable with the woodstove burning and the stock are all bedded down dry with plenty of hay. Jennifer went out today and rented Zombieland and from our local redbox so we've got entertainment, too.

I'm currently reading The School On Heart's Content Road by Carolyn Chute and highly recommend it. Having read all of Chute's previous books, though, I just know it's going to end badly. Not badly as in poor writing but badly as in no good for the characters. She's nothing if not a realist.

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