Saturday 16 January 2010

January 16, 2010

Chores are done and I'm sipping an aperitif while Jennifer finishes up supper. It's been warm here for a few days and our back country roads are free of snow along with the the places we've cleared here on the farm. Tomorrow is supposed to be near 40.

Yesterday I went to a Ford truck graveyard and ordered some parts to fix the emergency brake on my truck*. I'm also getting a wheel and tire to carry for a spare and plan to get new tires put on the rear next week. Then I'll be all set to go off-road and cut some firewood. This wood will be for burning next year after it seasons in the woodshed. We'll have to buy some seasoned wood to get through this winter.

Today I went down to the neighbor's and brought home 52 bales of hay. This hay is the first cutting of clover that was frost-seeded into wheat. The wheat was harvested and the straw baled and a month later there was a lush stand of clover. It has some straw stubble in it so I hope Sugar likes it. We'll have to feed her a bit more grain (or possibly black oil sunflower seeds) to make up for the lesser amount of protein in this hay compared to the alfalfa we've been feeding.

*I just realized that I haven't mentioned the truck here on the blog. It's a 1989 F-250. Nothing special but the 4WD works and it runs good. It will make a great wood, hay, and straw hauler and the price was right.

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