Monday 5 October 2009

October 5, 2009

We just returned yesterday from our annual vacation to the Outer Banks. It was a very relaxing week! When we returned home, we quickly realized that autumn had come with a vengeance while we were gone. I don't have the fuel oil furnace ready to go yet so we're relying on a couple of portable electric heaters until our wood-burning stove is installed on Wednesday.

Sugar's chewed teats didn't get any worse in our absence but they didn't heal much, either. After we get back into the swing of things this week we'll separate the calves permanently and put them on a milk bucket. I would much prefer not to do that but we got Sugar into this predicament and now it's up to us to get her out.

I've got two building projects to complete this month. We also have sheep shearing to look forward to and will be putting the rams and ewes together about this time next month.

ETA: We had a killing frost in our absence so the winter squash will be brought in this week to cure. We really need a couple sunny days in a row!

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