Wednesday 16 September 2009

September 16, 2009

It's been crazy busy here! The garage renovation is well underway. I will try to get a pic before we do much finishing - before, in-process, after.

Sugar's teats are chewed up a bit and we've suspended milking until they heal. In hindsight, it was a mistake to completely milk her out in the morning and then let the calves have at her. They are only 10 weeks old and I would hate to wean them this early so we decided it would be best to let them have our share of the milk until her teats heal. They look much better already since the last time we milked on Saturday. Our annual vacation is coming up and when we we get home, we'll probably put them on bottles so we can have some milk for ourselves.

The butcher's coming Monday for three lambs. There is still one available. Any takers?

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