Monday 6 July 2009

July 6, 2009

Happy belated Independence Day from Liberty Farm! I'd hoped to get pasture photos last weekend but didn't get around to it. I'll have to turn my daughter loose in the field with the camera. She's a 10 year-old budding photographer.

We picked up an Ayrshire cross bull calf on Thursday morning. Fortunately, we got there before he was fed and were able to take him home in the back of my Jeep Wrangler without him peeing or pooping. I wrapped his rear end in a blanket for the ride but now that I've seen him in action, I know that would have been inadequate. His name is Porter House. Sugar doesn't like him much but has gone from trying to kill him to tolerating him in the stall with her and Taffy, so we're making progress. We let him nurse from her rear quarters when she's in the headgate at milking time but are hopeful that she will soon let him nurse in the pasture.

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