Monday 20 July 2009

July 20, 2009

Whew! Last Saturday (7/11) I came down with some bad stomach trouble and it lasted through this past weekend. It had to have been food poisoning because I don't think a virus could have lasted so long. I ate at 4 different restaurants between lunch on Thursday and lunch on Saturday so who knows where I got it. Nothing seemed fishy at the time. Anyway, I got nothing done over the last week on the farm.

We're now separating the calves from Sugar at night and milking once a day. She was holding back everything but about 3 quarts until this morning when she finally gave Jennifer 3+ gallons. Thank God! She's been quite a handful. Unfortunately, the mastitis is back in her right rear quarter and we can't seem to get rid of it. Antibiotics knock it out for a few days, then it comes back. The thing is, the milk looks perfect. The only way we know she has mastitis in the quarter is that the milk tests alkaline. If anyone knows a source for fresh comfrey, please comment. I'd also like to buy some cuttings and grow our own. That would help, I think. She's been eating dried kelp like crazy which should also help but I think she'd eat a pound a day if I'd let her and I can't afford that for long.

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