Friday 14 September 2007

Late Summer Update

Random thoughts on what's happening now at Liberty Farm.

The garden is on it's way out. Beans are canned, corn, broccoli, cabbage and tomatoes are frozen, kraut and kimchi and made, etc. We still have lots of tomatoes to work with and our dry beans are drying. The potatoes are still in the ground. I really don't want to harvest them until the temperature drops in our cellar. That way they will keep better. I'm not sure how well they will keep in the ground. We'll see.

Pastures look great. I want to apply 2 tons of lime per acre in October. There are some weeds that need to be mowed and I want to trim under the fence one more time.

Speaking of fence, I've made several half-assed repairs this summer that need to be corrected. My goal is to replace all of our steel line posts with fiberglass and corner posts with wood. I would recommend that anyone building an electric fence avoid steel altogether. One problem with one wire on one post and you've got a dead short.

Lamb butchering is scheduled for 9/24 and I have photos of the chicken butchering to post. My youngest son has been proudly telling people that he helped gut a chicken.

BTW- the chicken is sold out! I vastly underestimated the demand. Next year we'll definitely be raising more.

Be well.

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