Saturday 1 September 2007

Food and Water...

...not necessarily related.


We've been doing a lot of fermenting lately. Above is a yogurt cheese made from homemade yogurt. Just pour the room temperature yogurt into a cheesecloth-lined colander. Tie up the cheesecloth and hang it to drain. 12 hours for a creamy, spreadable cheese and 24 for a more dry crumbly cheese.

Below is kimchi - cabbage, carrots, green onions, garlic, ginger and chile pepper flakes. Just add salt and a bit of whey for a starter and pound. Pack it into the jars and press until the liquid covers all the veggies. We fermented this for 3 days ate room temp and then moved to the fridge for aging.

We've also made sauerkraut and pickled green beans. I have a Belgian Trippel aging in the secondary fermenter in the dining room and a gallon of kombucha on the kitchen counter. Our house is a den of yeast and bacteria.


This photo shows the intersection of Sixth and Diamond streets in Mansfield on August 21st. Our machine shop sits just behind the red brick building with the billboard on the right. You may have seen this view on CNN. The Post Office is just out of the frame on the right.

We had 30 inches of water inside our building. 20-odd baked out electric motors later, and we are back in full production. Which explains why I haven't posted the last couple weeks.

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