Thursday 21 December 2006


Well. I suppose the lack of posting shows that there's not much going on around here. Today was my last day of work off the farm until January 2nd so I've got some work planned for the coming week - not the least of which is trimming all the sheep hooves, moving the breeding ram back into the bachelor pen and reuniting the ewe lambs with their mothers. We also need to buy another 50-60 bales of hay to get through the remainder of the winter. I hope to put together my seed order and last but not least get in some reading and relaxing time. Sitting on the shelf in front of me are: Born Fighting: How the Scots-Irish Shaped America by Senator-elect James Webb, The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War by Thomas DiLorenzo and Fields Without Dreams: Defending The Agrarian Idea by Victor Davis Hanson. Plus my mom always buys me books for Christmass. Oh yeah, I've been spending a lot of my time working on a remodeling project at my church and will probably put in a couple days work there over the next week or so. And I'm working on the first edition of the Liberty Farm newsletter. (I better end this post - my list of work keeps growing).

So, that's what's happening here. I'll try to post some sheep photos next week. Be well and have a blessed Christmass.

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