We've left the realm of mid summer and moved into late summer here in mid-Ohio. Late summer is the transition period leading into autumn. Last week, the drought that we had been experiencng for the last few weeks ended and our overnight temperatures are now down in the 50s.
I wrote in my most recent post that we were drying out the hay that we bought the weekend before last. Unfortunately, the weather hasn't been the best for doing so. It was cool and misty, if not raining outright, most of last week. Nevertheless, the hay seems to be drying well.
While all this was going on, I was out of town last week at the Society of Saint Polycarp retreat. I was off praying the hours and enjoying the wonderful conversation and consolation of the brethren while Jennifer dutifully cared for all the animals and kept the air moving around the hay. She broke open a bale to feed the ewes and lambs and it was not moldy or heating up. So far, so good.
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