Tuesday 12 September 2006

Iowa - Organic Farming Mecca?

No offense, but when I think of "farming" in Iowa, I think of Big Agribusiness. And when I think of Big Ag, I think of toxic waste dumps of poisonous chemicals and genetically engineered frankenfood. I may have to change my opinion.

The September issue of The Stockman Grass Farmer has an article about a new local government initiative in Woodbury County to encourage organic farming. Here's a quote:
SIOUX CITY, Iowa: At a time when kids are leaving the rural landscape to pursue dreams of the big city fortune and county revenue dollars from rural areas are declining, Rob Marqusee, Woodbury County Rural Economic Developer, developed a novel idea in an attempt to circumvent the situation.

Despite the odds stacked up against him from citizens, farmers, extension, big business, conventional agriculture proponents, and policy makers, he forged ahead and the county board passed the landmark organic tax break initiative which took effect on June 1st.
In addition to property tax breaks for organic farmers, Woodbury County also passed the Local Food Buying Initiative. It requires that the county buy organic foods grown and processed within 100 miles of the county courthouse.

Read all about it here.

Sounds like they're on the right track in northwest Iowa.

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