Tuesday 25 July 2006

Of Real Estate and Antichrists

This is a photo taken from my property at the edge of the road. Across the road, there are 17 acres of ruminant heaven for sale. The land is owned by the sister of my neighbor. He told Jennifer (my wife) that his sister would probably want $4000-$5000 per acre since that's what Countrytyme is paying for farms in this area. Countrytyme Real Estate is a company that buys farms and parcels the land out to people for building on. I have said before that if the Antichrist was to come as a corporation it would be Monsanto. I'm going to revise that and say now that Monsanto will have to share the title with Countrytyme.

We would love to buy this land for grazing cows and sheep but it's way out of our price range. I may look out my bedroom window in a couple years and see a dozen McMansions over there on this pasture.

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