Tuesday 18 July 2006

Hot and Wet

That's what the weather's been like here in North Central Ohio for the last week or so. We got a little over 7 inches (18 cm) of rain between Monday and Friday of last week. There was some standing water on the western edge of the garden remaining yesterday but it's gone today. Our beans are stunted and yellow in the area and some of our late planted cabbage has died. The water in the stream crested the culvert for the second time since we've lived here. It looked like a river delta at the east edge of our property where it completely overflowed the banks and ran about 40 feeet wide (13 m) wide across the neighbor's driveway.

We've had water problems in our cellar for a few months. I've had a pump down there in the lowest spot that we ran once a day as necessary. It's been a real pain and I finally got pissed off enough to do something about it. This afternoon I rented a jackhammer and dug a hole in the corner and dropped in a submersible pump that will run on its own. One less thing to worry about.

Yesterday it was 95 degrees here. (I know metric lengths and volumes but I'm lost when it comes to temperature. For my non-American readers let's just say it's been damned hot). The perfect climate for me would go from late spring straight into early fall. My friends in the Vermont mountains might be all for global warming but I'm going to have to pass.

We're going to be doing some chicken butchering and some sheep footcare here soon so I'll try to write a little more frequently.

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