Tuesday 27 June 2006

High Water

I took this photo Monday evening just after we received 2.1 inches (5.3 cm) of rain. I'm standing on the culvert looking upstream to the east. This streambed had a few inches of water in it and was overgrown with wild mint before the storm. You can see the White Rocks on the high ground to the right.

My neighbor's hay field across the road had a river running through it and there was a stream running through our garden.

We've had water over the top of the culvert once in the year that we've lived here. That was a scary night. I was in the barn praying that the water wouldn't get high enough to come in. It ended up not coming close.

All of the mowing is done for now. I'll be taking the rotary mower back to my brother-in-law this week. We share half ownership in it. I think that we'll have to mow some more in August in preparation for fall & winter stockpiling of forage. My goal is to feed less hay than we fed last winter.

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