Thursday 4 May 2006


Remember last week when I wrote about the UPS man delivering strawberries that I hoped to plant the following day? Well, they were finally planted today. We also put in the first succession plantings of lettuce, spinach, beets, radishes and chard. The berries are to the left of the rowcover in the photo and everything else is planted in short rows across the bed under the rowcover.

We are definitely behind where we could be in our zone 5 garden. These seeds could have been planted 3-4 weeks ago here but instead of the fabric rowcover I would have used greenhouse film. The rowcover pictured is Agribon fabric - AG-15, I think. It provides moderate frost protection, buffers drying winds and keeps most flying insects out. I don't bother burying the sides so the insect protection is not as good as it could be. The supports are 1/2" ID (12.7 mm) PVC pipe and the cover is attached using snap clamps.

tags: garden, strawberry, lettuce, spinach, beet, radish, chard, Agribon, rowcover, PVC

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