Saturday 20 May 2006

Feeding Time

This is our ewe, Lambie, pictured with her two ewe lambs. I took this photo on May 12 when these girls were 25 days old. They are monsters. I wish I had a scale to keep track of their growth rates.

For some reason these lambs have been nursing from behind the ewe like this since they were born. The ewes teats don't point back so I'm not sure why they do this. I guess it worked the first time so why mess with a good thing, right?

When Icelandic lambs nurse, their tails often wag vigorously. I'm glad we have lambs that don't require tail docking both for management reasons and marketing reasons. We can advertise our lambs as being unblemished by castration, tail docking or ear tagging/tattooing.

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