Monday 17 May 2010

May 17, 2010

Last night at 8:30 I went out to close in the hens and found our bull
with his head stuck in the crotch of a maple tree in the pasture. I
tried to push his head up and out to no avail so I had to get the
pruning saw to cut off one side of the crotch. It was only about 4" in
diameter so I sawed through it in a couple minutes. When he was free,
he thought it would be fun to play. I had to give him a whack on the
nose with the wooden handle of the saw to settle him down.

Sugar's been giving us some problems. Now that she's nursing a calf
she doesn't think she needs to let down for us. After a few days of
hardness in the upper part of her udder, though, she finally let down
for me this afternoon. We got 3 gallons plus 2 this morning plus
whatever the calf ate. That's pretty damn impressive for a Jersey in
her 11th month of lactation, in my opinion. This is all good because
I hope to make about 30 pounds of butter in the next 7 weeks or so.
This is the best time of year to make butter because the fast-growing
grass makes for a good balance of omega-3 to omega-6 in the fat. 30
pounds should get us through the year.

Sent from my mobile device

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