Saturday 7 November 2009

November 7, 2009

Not much going on around here to write about. Oh, don't get me wrong, we're as busy as ever but it's just not blog-worthy stuff. Weekends are almost exclusively devoted to working on the garage. The opening for the door is framed in and the installers are coming next week to install the door and opener. Yesterday we worked on sheeting. More of the same today, then door, windows, trim and finally siding.

I got the gates to put up in the white barn for stalls. I'm a little nervous about moving the calves over there because they're not halter trained yet. Based on what I've read, I'm not sure they're old enough to train at this point but they are definitely too big to control. We'll probably end up driving in some posts and making a lane from cattle panels to move them in.

In the next couple weeks the sheep need to be separated into two breeding groups.

Next Saturday I'm going to the hearthside cooking workshop at Malabar Farm State Park. That should be cool but I probably shouldn't take the time to do it.

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