Saturday 1 August 2009

August 1, 2009

Wow, it's hard to believe this is August already. Where has the summer gone? All in all, our summer here in Ohio has been quite pleasant with very few days of unbearable heat. We could have used more rain between mid-June and mid-July but that has been remedied.

Right now I'm waiting for the curd to make a clean break on a traditional Swiss cheese. Maybe I should have used 1/2 a rennet tablet instead of 1/4 because it appears that it's going to take 45 minutes longer than the recipe suggested to get ready to cut. When you're dealing with living food, you just have to roll with it.

Jennifer, Katie, and Nick are in the garden picking beans. They're going to be freezing them this afternoon as soon as the chicken stock is done on the stovetop. We've pretty much given up on canning vegetables because of the unnaturally high heat which destroys most of the vitamins, antioxidants, etc. in the veggies. We'll likely can some chicken, though, to make room in the freezer before lamb butchering in September.

I'll have to check but I think we may have some corn ready in the garden, too. We have much more squash and zucchini than we can use. I hope the winter squash does as well as the summer squash has. I'll also be fermenting some sour pickles this weekend. No heat and no vinegar, just pure lacto-fermented goodness. Oh, and I forgot the sauerkraut. I'm not sure there are enough hours left in the weekend. The whey from cheesemaking is a huge help in getting the pickles and cabbage off to a rip-roaring start.

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