Saturday 7 April 2007

Big and Pregnant

Here is a photo of our ewe, Ingrid. She will be three years old later this month - a "3 winter" ewe in Icelandic terms. She appears to have the largest rumen capacity of any of our sheep. Add pregnancy to the equation and this is what she looks like lying down.

I suppose someone used to an "improved" breed of sheep or someone raising show sheep would say she has a"hay belly." Personally I like hay bellies. After all that's what a ruminant animal should be.

Speaking of show sheep, we've decided to sever our kids' membership in 4-H this year. Sheep magazine has reported that in the 2007-08 season, all kids showing livestock will be required to register their families' premises with NAIS. Given that and the fact that our agricultural values differ vastly from the values promoted by 4-H, the decision was an easy one.

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