Monday 12 March 2007

Sunny Sunday Afternoon

I spent mine productively. Jennifer and Katie went to a ballet in Akron with Katie's Brownie troop while the boys and I worked. I would have liked to post pictures but the camera as with the girls.

First, we got out our LP burner and tanks and our syrup making gear and cleaned it up. Then we put out 8 taps in maple trees on our farm. When I left for work at 11:15 this morning, the first sap was boiling merrily away.

Next, we built a cold frame in the garden. It's made out of straw bales and old windows. This morning the chickens were intent upon destroying the straw bale sides so Jennifer will have to move their fence today to keep them off of it.

I also made a good start cleaning out one of the barns. Still a long way to go there. I have plans to add a second 4-foot sliding door in the side of the sheep pen and built a series of sorting pens outside it. Also in the works is constructing a couple more mobile hoop houses fro pastured poultry - more on that later.

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