Wednesday 12 March 2008

Good article.

Amish for Ron Paul

Tuesday 4 March 2008

Primary Day

I'll be casting my protest vote for Ron Paul today in the Ohio primary. We don't know who the next president will be but we can be sure that he or she will be a globalist and interventionist and that the foreign policy of the U.S. as the world's policeman will continue on. The neocons must be gratified. May God have mercy on the rest of us.

If you are interested in local eating have a look at this op-ed to see how the USDA is doing its damnedest to thwart you. If you buy local meat or dairy, the situation is even worse.

On Saturday we hauled the remaining 80 bales of the hay we bought back in September. That makes a total of 270 bales this year. If we have a good spring, we may have as many as 20 surplus bales. If not, we may use them all. I hope to get some broccoli and cabbage seeds started this week for the early crop.